Danish window manufacturer:
With a new sanding solution from Flex Trim the company Dalmose Vinduer A/S has fulfilled its wish to improve the working environment in the factory.
Additionally the results are an improved surface quality and optimized processing.
Dalmose Vinduer A/S in Denmark has in more than 20 years manu- factured windows and doors. The company has 25 employees and a yearly turnover of app. EUR 2.700.000.
The company is primary supplier of niche products and has recently intensified the further development of products and solutions.
Since the establishment of the company quality has been a keyword for Dalmose Vinduer A/S and the company is still praised for an out- standing quality and finish. A part of this is about the choice of mate- rial, where the company only uses pinewood from the North Sweden which is heartwood and without knots.
Another important part of the quality assurance is about an optimum sanding of the wood, and with a wish to improve the working envi- ronment the development of a new sanding solution on the fabric was started. Inspiration for the solution from Flex Trim was found by visiting an exhibition.
The solution consists of 3 pcs. of Flex Trim sanding heads –called Disc Sanders -, which is installed in a machine worked out by a local supplier. The rotating sanding heads are equipped with Flex Trims replaceable sanding strips consisting of a combination between brushes and abrasive paper.
The materials to be sanded are raw wood and are sanded by through feed in the machine on both sides and the upper surface at the same time. This process is done after planning and profiling, right before finishing.
The machine can be adjusted to the wide of the different items and is used for sanding of both casings and frames.
During the installation Flex Trim has instructed about the settings of the sanding heads and optimum RPM.
After the solution from Flex Trim now has been used at Dalmose Vinduer A/S in almost a year a lot of benefits has been registered.
Before the solution from Flex Trim the sanding process was carried out by hand sanding. Today only one man take care of this whole sanding process, whereas earlier 2-3 men were working with this manually.
A significant result of the new solution is also an improved surface and uniformed quality, which means an optimized processing. Among others the customer has experienced a reduction of raised fibres after oil treatment. The surface becomes now so smooth that the previous intermediate sanding not longer is necessary.
In the light of a number of production improvements the customers of Dalmose Vinduer A/S have expressed an increased satisfaction – among others the very improved surface quality. A perfect finish is exactly a very important factor for the end-user, when buying new windows.
Before implementation of the new solution from Flex Trim the items had to be polished in the painting department after the basic process- ing, which is not longer necessary. This induced annoyances from dust and in addition to this the items had to be lifted off and on the band. Today the items stay on the band during the whole processing, which has removed a lot heavy lifts.
At the same time the machine is very flexible and simple to use and no stoppages have happened yet.
According to Dalmose Vinduer A/S the investment in the new ma- chine and the sanding solution has been profitable and was bought for a manageable price. The new solution has with no doubt been paid – owing to the improved working environment, an improved surface quality and of this an optimized processing.
So saying, Flex Trim has yet again proved to live up to its slogan:
“Quality –not only on the surface”!